The story behind Southern California’s “Bitcoin Exchange”

Bitcoin Atm Pros
3 min readJul 8, 2021


An article by Peter Hengst 07/05/2021

If you drive down Garnet Avenue toward the coast in Pacific Beach, you will clearly see a brand-new establishment at 1552 that says “Bitcoin Exchange.” Could it be? Is there really a face-to-face cryptocurrency exchange available to the general public right in the heart of the most popular beach town in San Diego County? The answer is YES! Through the ambitious vision of owner Michael Cuillard, you now have the ability to get over-the-counter digital asset exchange service in a very welcoming environment. This establishment is the absolute first of its kind. A place where you can literally go speak with a representative about which cryptocurrency would work best for you based on your personal preferences. Whether you want to find a long-term investment or just became curious about the media “buzz” surrounding the digital asset community, Coin Pros and their Bitcoin Exchange have you covered.

The world has been changing very rapidly with the rise of digital communication technology. With every passing day, we are inching closer to being capable of buying virtually anything online without having to speak to another human being. The benefits of this include: instant purchasing with the click of a button, home delivery of goods, and 24/7 customer support. However, not everyone is comfortable forfeiting their personal information to a random online company in hopes that they receive whatever goods or service were pictured on the website. In fact, many people prefer to avoid online purchases altogether. This type of situation is more common than a lot us expect. There are still a ton of people who have yet to enter the crypto space due to the nature of its online only availability.

The reasons above convey the necessity of an over-the-counter cryptocurrency exchange; therefore, Coin Pros has decided to open their very own Bitcoin Exchange in Pacific Beach, CA. This a highly populated area with many young and prosperous individuals. It also happens to be a tourist hotspot because of its many popular bars and restaurants so close to the ocean. A perfect location for a service that allows customers to walk in and purchase various cryptocurrencies or sell what they already have in order to receive cash. This provides customers who may be a bit skeptical about online identity verification an opportunity to speak to a Coin Pros representative and handle transactions in-person.

I will be the first to admit that when I entered the world of cryptocurrencies, I was apprehensive. Here was a place where you can blindly send a string of characters that represent a digital wallet value into a blockchain and then hopefully miners verify the transaction quickly and it gets eventually completed to each party’s satisfaction. A worrisome scenario for anybody new to the space. It doesn’t help that most online exchanges require many seemingly absurd levels of know-your-customer identity verification. Some even ask users to submit a picture of them holding their passport in order to even withdraw their crypto. This does not promote trust for the user because it seems more likely that your identity could be compromised given that your identity documents(passport) are now uploaded to a random exchange that is probably from a different country.

Wary and curious people, who are interested in crypto, will now have a brick-and-mortar location with Coin Pros employees to help them feel more comfortable with all of their future cryptocurrency transactions. The Bitcoin Exchange is that place, and they are changing the game to include this option in a world that seems to only cater to people online. If you are still not sure if a cryptocurrency investment is for you, then come see the professionals at the Bitcoin Exchange at 1552 Garnet Avenue Pacific Beach, CA 92109.



Bitcoin Atm Pros

Bitcoin ATM Pros aka “BAP” is a cryptocurrency automated teller service company with both buy and sell options for their customers.